Registration by Grade level/School

We would like to express our sincere welcome to all new students and their families to our school community.

As you can see below, this page was created to help any new student families with the process of registration.  We always offer in-person registration every summer. However, we understand that some families will be moving into our district during the school year from a distance that is not conducive to an in-person enrollment.  We have created this page for those families and students.

We have separated the forms by building and grade level below to help you.  If you have students in more than one building, you will only need to fill out one enrollment form for your family.  Each form has been provided with a short description.  If you have any questions at any time during this process, feel free to reach out to any building staff listed, as we are waiting to help you.

There are also some optional forms that are not required for student enrollment. You can find those on this page just below the staff contact information.

Enrollment Paperwork by Building

Staff Contact Information by Building

West Side Elementary (K1 - Grade 2)
Administrative Assistants
Julie Batty :
Erika Haight :

Central Elementary (Grade 3 - Grade 5)
Administrative Assistants
Kathy Nicholson  :

Sidney Middle School (Grade 6 - Grade 8)406-433-4050
Administrative Assistants
Kathy Johnson :

Sidney High School (Grade 9 - Grade 12)
Administrative Assistants
Nicole Enriquez :
Maria Peters :
Shannon VanEvery :

Helpful Links For Students And Parents

Infinite Campus Parent Portal  - Every parent is encouraged to request a parent portal login to view their students' information. Be sure to download the Parent Portal App on your smartphone as well!

Infinite Campus Student Portal  - Every student is given a user login to access Infinite Campus on the students' side. 

Sidney Public Schools DragonFly Max  - If your MIDDLE SCHOOL or HIGH SCHOOL student plans on participating in any MHSA sanctioned activities, you will need to register them on DragonFly Max. If you would like more information, go to our Athletics / Dragonfly Max page by clicking on Athletics/Activities above or simply click the link below.
Athletics / DragonFly Max